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Old 04-06-2023, 10:54 AM
Guillaume Guillaume is offline
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God visited me in my sleep ... Hit by a buzzard ... and archangel Gabriel

Here are the notes I took during these events.

I had a very lucid dream a couple of days ago. I was in my flat, or in my grand-mother's place (it's strangely mixed), and I was looking at the walls she had built, like a horse stable.
God told me (a voice from above, with a bit of love) that I was like Oliver, I have been put in a matricial thinking and that I had no global view.
I knew it was my grandmother talking, I was rather happy for her that she was in the "union" stage, but I asked her for more details, is it my eyesight, my life?
She was surprised that I replied, said something like she saw his mother who had also the same way of thinking, and the dream ended.
Oliver was a friend from my childhood.

The following days were very bad. This had left a huge imprint on me, like "okay I'm dumb, what then?", and no will do to anything, very bad reverberation all around me, doubt, anxiety, and a mad internal chatter, so loud that I seemed to disturb everything around.

A few days after that, I went for another short cycling ride around, I had finally managed to recover a somewhat peaceful mind. On the way back, the chatter started again, and as I was on a small, unmaintained, tree-lined road in the fields, I saw a buzzard flying up to the sky on my left (a magnificent extraordinary mind picture), and in a moment of confusion where I saw myself yelling and mumbling "WHODQDFS" I was hit from behind by a second one (that I didn't see) on my skull to the right. A hidden black bird laughed.
What the hell ?

I wasn't really flying the days before, I mean, there is the pain and pleasure worlds, and equanimity (detachment from it). Similarly there is the hell and paradise worlds, and equanimity in this regard, which is basically no dreaming. I have been thrown back to a hard reality (pain and no dreaming).
A buzzard hit me, okay they are protecting their nest. A black bird laughing, coincidence, or maybe the chock.

The next day, the bird hitting me from behind, on my head, and my grandmother playing god, they had both the same imprint. Something from above just comes to hit you, and for no reason you're just left with doubts.
This is life. Let go of thoughts and chatter, dreams, no matter what they show. What was it? Nothing. Was it my grandmother? No clue. Was it about me? Probably not, I'm just one particle in a giant mess.

He, you know what? I've been hit by a buzzard! A wild one, a true one! I can still feel its legs.
Have you ever seen one from very close up?

He, you know what? Some people are playing god! Honestly ... well, I now feel very compassionate towards gods.

Anyways, this is revealing my incompatibility with the people around me now, and even more with the past and my family. To me they're all dreaming and in pain, and I shouldn't wake them up.

A couple of days after this.
I meditated deeply at a chosen time according to the moon cycle, I went very high, very very high (despite having a couple of beers before that, which is not great for concentrating).
And I saw what I thought was ... an angel. Hidden behind clouds.
It was unusual because my tinnitus stopped completely, and I was in a pure silence.
It did something, for sure. But it was more like an awe moment. Something like "awe", I did something. Okay. I'll go to bed and see what's next! Awe God!

The next day, as I was working, I recalled that a specific brain region was active during meditation. It's called the temporal region. And I read that stimulating this region creates divine experiences in experimental studies. It-makes-sense. Totally. No need to mention that I had a wonderful restful night!

I had lunch and after it, a quick meditative nap. I had a very clear image of someone having a lot of fun, linked to that brain region, with a running rhyme "Gabor c'est le plus fort" (Gabor is the strongest). Then I had a very very clear image. Gabriel.
The previous days I also had Daniel popping up randomly everywhere, and it totally makes sense, the lineage.

Gabriel! Ahah! Lots of memories, I've spent time with 2 Gabriels and they were both strong and great.
I can't find where that rhyme comes from, it's very familiar to my ears, though I can't find any reference.

Now my tinnitus is completely gone. No random thoughts coming, no memories of people telling me this and that, I'm totally in the present moment.

So, what is archangel Gabriel's message ?
Actually intuitively I would say he already animates / influences some characters on the forum, so there's nothing new.

There is no good news or prophecy. Life is what it is, just keep strong because ignorance (of how phenomena arise) creates anger, jealousy, all sorts of bad reactions that can turn this world into a nightmare.
So, keep strong, especially mentally.

Now I just hope the coming weeks will be more peaceful.
But I have met so many people into all kinds of drugs, I don't know in which world they are and in which one they want others to be ...
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