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Old 02-06-2023, 05:55 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Transformation & Enlightenment Tincture

The synchronicity of things, right now during the build up of full moon energies!
SOmeone on my FB posted something that happened with fresh thyme & cooking and mentioned what the energetic properties of it are.
I decided to Google that as I have a strong antipathy concerning thyme and usually there's a reason for that.
Because of that search I ended up on the website of the spiritual centre I used to go to for workshops. A very high vibrational centre with very high vibrational & in depth courses.
They also sell things like essences and tinctures made from either plants or garden sections on the premises. They have, for instance, a troll garden, fairy garden, a garden for each chakra, and so on, and they grow herbs/plants in order to make these tinctures & essences. Other essences are charged with the vibration of any such garden and activated at 13D level by the owner of the centre.

I ended up browsing these essences & tincture and a few really moved me, almost had me in tears.
In the end there were 2 I would like to buy, but there was also a transformation & enlightenment tincture that was a mix of 5 and the 2 of my interest were among them.
So I wondered, would I best get these separate or get that mix in?
I decided to phone them.
They said the mix is more powerful as then all 5 of the mix will add & complement the rest. Made sense to me, so I decided to buy that. Not cheap but it felt really good to get it!

Now I have to wait almost a week for it to get here as they only ship on Wednesday through Friday and I was too late for it to be mailed to me today.

Reviews of these tinctures & essences were great and very inspiring. I can't wait!
It works on the Solar Plexus, Throat, troll energy which brings freedom, Heart, Crystalline Being.

It goes to far to explain what exactly it all does, but as I said, it vibrates and is activated on 13D so it's much stronger than your regular stuff. This doesn't work on the lower levels of the chakras for instance but way beyond that.
Troll Wood... trolls 'eat' negativity and their energy Y work dissolves Karma, family/soul group patterns, restores the body on genetic & DNA level and so on. Trolls are lighthearted, like to have fun, and that part of the tincture also brings that in.

In any case, I'm curious, can't wait!!
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