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Old 07-05-2023, 05:49 PM
AnotherBob AnotherBob is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 279
"You make, you get." This means that in this life you are making mind. You are creating the next life with every thought and deed. The mind you are making in this life is what you get in the next. It's basic math.

There is usually an intermission, if we are in the reincarnation cycle, to digest the information from the most recent tour, rest and relax in the bliss of our natural state, which is love, and so we do love's bidding, and it may be in our case to return and bring heaven back with us this time, if we are ready to conduct that energy, that expansion.

As for the subject of Ghosts, our Benefactor in this sub-forum, Spirit Guide Sparrow, relayed some information. Since we cannot put up long quotes, I will offer a link to a fascinating view of the Spirit World. By scrolling about half-way down, you will come to a heading in bold marked "Ghosts".


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