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Old 28-04-2023, 11:09 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Originally Posted by SaraTherase
Congratulations on being smoke free for 8 days FairyCrystal! You are doing so well. Thank you for all the advice and information. I started smoking again after having quit for 7 years due to stress and partly kept on smoking cos my partner at the time loved to smoke even more than me, I know it sounds silly but it's even harder to quit when you live with someone who smokes. You have such great willpower and strength and it's admirable how your own journey inspires others to get healthy and quit too. Thank you for sharing and best of luck with everything
Thank you!
Currently it's 2 weeks, today is the 15th day :)
Last time I quit I didn't put on any weight. This time my weight has gone up a tad, which narks me tremendously!!
Now I have been eating a bit more of things that I shouldn't have been eating the time around Easter I think. But I want it gone!!
I lost 11 kilos last year, I do not want to put on weight again.
So as it is I'm trying to drink more -I tend to forget that of late- and probably time to pick up my at-home-fitness regime (1 mile walk).
I've been sitting a lot since Feb as I've been painting almost every day. My daily walk outdoors didn't happen often, so all in all not enough movement.

The good thing is, I breathe easier so it's also easier to exercise :)
I am single at the mo, hoping to find a partner, but I don't want a partner that smokes. Too tempting, and as it is I don't want the smell around me and in my home either.
I've smelled my rolling tobacco a few times, which helps to put me off smoking even more. It's so gross! I can always smell the chemicals in the tobacco, it doesn't smell nice at all. Not a plant/tobacco smell but a chemical stink.
When sniffing that I honestly cannot believe I've smoked that cr@p!!
It made me wonder how I could've done that as, when being honest, it never tastes truly great like for instance a piece of cake. So why do it? I don't eat something that tastes and/or smells off-putting either after all!

In any case, so far so good.
Hope you can get to the point of setting that first step as well!!
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