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Old 12-02-2007, 07:37 AM
Posts: n/a
Kia ora all,

Oh my goodness, I've been making this kinda thing an annual event on Valentines Day too, but for years. I get so excited for Valentines day to arrive. Why so excited? Because this is how I spend it each year (whether single or coupled).....

I pack an indulgent, romantic picnic, something loving to read (love Poems), and a sketch pad & pencils in case I'm inspired to draw or write.
With all this in the car, I drive to a magnificent & special place, 20 minutes drive from home. I swear that this is one of those places where Nature becomes a kindrid spirit to mankind. I feel drunk & in love in Natures presence. I feel all my love and light pouring into her, breathless over this masterpiece.

What is this place called you might ask???

It's one of New Zealands natural wonders called Elephant Rocks. Nature carved the rocks into the shape of Elephants, in the middle of nowhere. The movie "The Chronicles Of Narnia" was filmed here. If you've seen the movie, you'll know what I'm talking about.
Any hoo, When at this heavenly destination I meditate (my way of courting Nature), I give thanks and praise for all the infinite wisdom only Nature can give. Then, we relax into each other in total unity with everything and every one, the world, the universe, all of existance with silent blissful appreciation......then a kick *** feast.

I'll meet you there.

Hey, in these meditations, I'm told the world heals best when focus is singularly put on it's positive, & wonderful contributions to mankind and faith that it is already healed now, that love only exists. This gives it positive energy to work with & solutions find there way into existance easily & effortlessly.

Last edited by angelicious : 12-02-2007 at 08:10 AM.