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Old 26-03-2023, 01:57 PM
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 1,348
ishwara - personal God

Originally Posted by AnotherBob
Iswara, God, the creator, the personal God, is the last of the unreal forms to go. Only the absolute being is real. Hence, not only the world, not only the ego, but also the personal God are of unreality. We must find the absolute – nothing else.

But comparing this entity to what our earthly religion teaches us
shows how infantile and naïve we humans are. Comparing this entity to God would be like comparing
a 300-megaton nuclear weapon to a firecracker and saying they produce the same effects.''

Indeed there can be some element of truth for some . However you need to review trinity doctrine which say Father/Son are same and not same in one go .
When it says the father & son are same / one ( one God existing in three coequal, coeternal, consubstantial divine persons God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit,) , its also the infantile and naive in view of that quoted line.

However i firmly differ in this. It (trinity doctrine) is not infantile and naive of humans .It is in fact ingenuity of humans to make it easier for their fellow beings to follow the great formless and characterless with least difficulty and with extreme ease..

You may wish re-visit quoted views in light of Trinity doctrine which is just wonderful and the quoted text looks prejudiced bigotry views and opinions.
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