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Old 24-03-2023, 06:18 PM
Marshall Q Marshall Q is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 2
Question I've Been Seeing A Shadow, What Do I Do

I came to this forum hoping to get some possible solutions to a problem I've been having. If anyone can help me solve it my life may take a turn for the better. In 2021 and half of 2022 I was early into adulthood and lived with my mom and dad. I was working as well hoping to save up money for myself. But there was an underlying discomfort as my history with my parents has been not so positive, I won't get too specific about that but I will say I ended up in a mental hospital in highschool and that changed their parenting attitudes for the better. It took time to adjust, but eventually I saved a decent amount of money and started to feel okay about my situation. This changed when one night I found myself in between being asleep and awake, and a shadowed version of my dad approached me and tried to do something to me. I struggled and managed to wake up before I could get hurt, and that was it for me, I moved out soon after. Money is now tight and I sometimes think about moving back in, but I really shouldn't with that thing stalking me during my stay. I've been attacked by this shadow figure in my sleep before back when I was a teen. And it managed to rip me open and crawl inside me, now you probably see the reason I won't move back in. Any suggestions about what I should do or what the shadow thing was?
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