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Old 22-02-2023, 09:50 AM
CosmicWonder CosmicWonder is online now
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 1,537
Hii both,

to me it was a woman. But gender of angels is a complicated topic I guess? She was called “Death”. Would be curious about how RedEmbers perceived the Angel. However that I was busy with my progress in this at times this post was placed, is no coincidence. Even tho it might not have been entirely planned because for me it’s a continues progress.

To me the angel was the angel that brought souls to their next space, such as the afterlife. I had a few talks with Angel Michael too, to confirm that I needed to move on or not. He told me I am good to go to heaven, and he asked me who I was (that is, on a deeper level). That last one I had no answer to, and that is something to work on.

Kind regards,

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