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Old 03-01-2023, 09:26 AM
Altair Altair is offline
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Originally Posted by Gem
Our role is a balance an our ethic is intent. If you lose balance, your intent turns sour.

The balance is gone when there are tens of billions of farm animals and billions of human beings. It comes at the cost of biodiversity. The splendour of life reduced because humans think they are entitled to meat every day.

Originally Posted by Gem
I think overall, the most ethical stance is vegetarianism because we can raise animals as needed in permaculture, let them live a reasonably healthy happy life, and eat their products for the essential vitamins and stuff without actually killing them.

It is the most realistic 'solution', but only if cow numbers are still drastically reduced. Raise the price of dairy, eat it a few times a week. Eggs too, which can easily come from garden chickens. Every street could have some chickens and share the eggs. Chickens don't require much space, food and water compared to cows, pigs, sheep.

Originally Posted by Gem
That's hard for Western European ethnicities to understand because we have always been moral elitists and we don't really know how not to be.

If something is true or false than we ought to know or learn about it. Some cultures are better at x, other cultures are better at y, and it's not a shame to admit that.
I criticize Christianity yet I have also stated many times that it has inspired human rights. Without Christianity our culture would have looked very different. Christianity sparked forgiveness and empathy in a way that the old religions didn't usually do. That makes Christian culture better than some others, at least on that department but not necessarily in other. On the other hand, the Indians developed yoga and many useful meditation techniques. That makes them also better at some things than other cultures.
We do not have to be cultural relativists, sure we can understand everything is contextual ((which is not really relativism but perspectivism)), but some are better than others at any given topic, skill, technique, etc. Of course, over time this can change again..
~ verus nullus, omnis licitus
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