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Old 20-11-2022, 01:15 PM
Posts: n/a
can someone alive ghost you?

...and i do not mean ghost as in suddenly vanishing without a trace;) I mean if them still being alive can create a kind of poltergeist activity even if no way near you physically?

I still have some question marks left from a period in my life. I had made a soul cutting tie ceremony regarding an ex (male). Hours later there was strong poltergeist activity that later thankfully died down.

then it was followed by these nightmares with him in them (me imaging in dreams it was him or someone portraying as him perhaps or actually him?) and then what would be said, played out in some of these dreams would then happen in real life, be said by someone else just showing up making contact with me to then just leave and nobody knew anything. It was so weird. It was as if it was warnings. (I think I have experienced dreams of what is to come but not like that).

After the ceremony, next day or so, there was this song on the radio where lots of the lyrics seemed to have fit right into how he would have seen things, our relationship, and about me, that came on after some weird disturbance on the radio.

It was just this and that, here and there. I know there was more than those two incidents, but they were the one that has stood out in my memory.

I have thought if it was caused by me, my own fear creating that energy? Or low levels using my old fear? Or me thinking about it and therefor seeing patterns that were not really that, but pure coincidental. I have not suffered from hallucinations. but I have suffered from anxiety (which I blamed him for, how he behaved).

Have anyone else experienced poltergeist activity being created by someone alive even if that someone is not physically with you at the time and you are in no contact? After such a ceremony? Does it unleash a kind of energy such as the ones I have experienced (if that now is what I experienced?).

I did it yet another time and to my recollection there was this time not at all as it had been before, it had quiet down.

Last edited by asearcher : 20-11-2022 at 09:29 PM.
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