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Old 15-10-2022, 03:35 AM
MirandaMakerland MirandaMakerland is offline
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 30
This is how Auras are for ME, how do YOU see/sense them?

So I've been seeing energy, spirit, auras for a long time, but consciously for the past 15 years.

For me, auras are not one colour, but a multitude of moving colours and vibrations.. kind of like the aurora borealis.

On top of that, I see energy spikes, balls, swirls around and coming from different areas of the auric field as well depending on the person.

But it's always moving, the aura is a living extension of us on a mind, body, emotion, spirit level..

It's always changing too, size, colours, vitality... it never stays the same.

At least from my experience these past 15 years reading them.

I know many people see/sense just one colour Aura, but was curious to know, for those of you with experience with seeing/hearing/sensing/tasting/smelling auras, what is it like for you?
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