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Old 04-10-2022, 07:53 AM
Bubbles Bubbles is offline
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Writting comments online - energy

It occured to me in the past..

You know when you interact with someone face to face in 'real life', there is always a visible energy influence/exchange or something so and so. If you say a bad thing or you hear it said to you, it may affect you of course, in some cases.

But, what if you leave a stingy spicy comment on youtube comments section or reddit.. even if you will never check for what replies you had but you wrote something spicy about what you disagree (just an example) -- THEN, when someone reads what you wrote and feels angry about it, do you think that somehow that can affect you?

I mean reikii works through distance very well, healer and healed can be other side of the planet each, no problem. But this is not reikii and so I wonder, is it still similar?

In a way, if we think of celebrities, lots of people write both and good things about them online. Even if they do not read it, could it still influence them somehow? Of course if they do read everything then they may get affected more for sure, obviously.

I hope you understand...
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