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Old 01-09-2022, 10:00 AM
ThatMan ThatMan is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 2,842
You had a glimpse of that higher power, I suspect the one you were with ( the presence ) was no one else than Yourself, no, not this apparent self, this mental activity we think we are ( emotions, feelings, perceptions, sensations, and so on), the mind, I mean the Self, the Mind, the source, the very core of your being, pure consciousness. What religion calls God. It's always there, the background, you know, between each thought there is silence, this silence is the background on which and from which all things appear, nothing can taint it, ever the same, nothing can harm it, nothing can ever touch it, the mind sees it as nothingness, emptiness, silence ( hence the "quietness" you experienced ) and yet it is the source of all things.

It is everywhere but if you say it is one place you miss it, if you try to mentally understand it, you miss it, if you try to catch it in your hands, you miss it. It simply is. Try to do this simple exercise, be aware of being aware, incredible right? That is pure consciousness, pure presence, unfolding itself, opening itself, revealing itself, the more you rest in awareness ( the more you are aware of being aware ) the more you "embody" it. The more it grows in you, the less you are, the "you", you think you are, decreases.

If you do not meditate or meditate, when you meditate, rest in awareness, be aware of being aware, focus your attention on the fact that you are aware. Things may come, thoughts, memories, images, perceptions, sensations and so on, you just let them be and continue resting in awareness. This may help you discover more about your experience and the presence. I understand you, to some degree,, I was also very sick last year and had a few NDEs and witnessed many things and of course the people around us can not understand so we come to these places to share our experiences with those who understand.
The truth.
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