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Old 19-08-2022, 11:25 PM
Clio_86 Clio_86 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Toronto
Posts: 667
FairyCrystal, some of what you wrote makes a lot of sense to me, especially after reading a lot about the hormones which are released during sex. Dating coaches and many books have mentioned how women begin to fall in love once we begin having sex because of the hormones released. However, men fall in love during the pre-sex period... once they have sex the "love" hormone goes away. I can't state which hormones are at play for each sex, I get them mixed up and am too lazy to google. Lol.

Essentially, the idea of "why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free?" has some truth. I always read that when younger, but I did read a scientific article on this concept and the results supported this.

I also read your other thread about FWB and the article you posted. I found it interesting and fairly accurate to the science behind love and attachment. One of my female friends considers herself very sex-positive and uses online dating a lot. She continuously has bad experiences. A few months ago she went on a date with a man and they got "together" on their first date. She began discussing relationships in general with him and how hard dating is and he told her that he would never consider her as relationship material because she wasn't young enough, pretty enough, etc. My friend was clearly very hurt. I felt horrible for her of course, but when I told her that maybe she should be more discerning about the men she sleeps with and wait awhile until she knows them better, she shrugged off my suggestions.

I'm not so great at dating, but I try to be somewhat discerning when I do date. I will look up the dating coach you mentioned. :)
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