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Old 24-07-2022, 06:34 PM
Aknaton Aknaton is offline
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Yeah, sure. I remember this research done by a few people, but where does one take these findings? There's a general bias against such kinds of research as from the top (large corporations and funding) because they don't bring about any findings that can generate money, because a great deal of God's activity through man is done for free! Moreover, if a particular researcher would like to push these findings in common scientific circles, this would tarnish their reputation. But this has been proven from my experience through quantitative and qualitative studies.
Taking healing or recovery not connected to medical help for example, In some hospitals where there are unfavourable doctor to patient ratios, doctors and assisting medical personnel have noted unexplainable patient recovery and discharged them in usually less than three days. This research has been and can be done within current scientific frameworks (whomsoever needs the data). Unfortunately, this would be challenging to do, and would need a lot of convincing, because which hospital or hospital staff would want their name to be put in such a report in any case the data needs to be verified and analyses rerun? And then permission to use hospital data for that kind of reason... And then we have the health insurance industry, this and that... That's a lot of problems!!! I'd better just go heal whom God wants me to heal without seeking any attention.
Otherwise, the interior framework for personal and subjective experience would require that a person would be baptized with water, and with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will help them from there. But if you ask a spirit-filled believer in God if God exists, the question would not make any sense at all to them.
Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
John 16:7
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