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Old 28-06-2022, 02:35 AM
Bonge Bonge is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 34
Originally Posted by one-light
You're carrying a lot of dark energy and anger there Bonge - you need to / forgive / detach / move on / and take your time doing this 'using those 3 words' so it's done well - people on here are only trying to help... You should consider researching 'energy vibrations' your personal vibes, raise them to be stronger / be kinder to others here who are on your side giving free advice, apologies / forgiving / kindness / a smile will raise your vibes... try it - free advice...

Alas, I have no more dark or angry energy than anyone else who feels like their suffering has been invalidated. It's ok though, clearly my beliefs do not align with the dominant narrative here and that is more than ok. I've learnt a lot from these exchanges, even if unintentional :)
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