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Old 19-05-2011, 09:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Okay, since I can't edit my previous posts, I'll have to make a double post (my apologies!).

I've been thinking (yes again lol). I spied the Atlantis., Lemuria and Egypt thread. I read it from page one (seems so skin and bones when compared with this thread) and just thought that maybe a bit of a basic description may be in order for any readers here who haven't posted, are curious, and / or aren't entirely sure what / when Lemuria, Mu, and Atlantis are. (Regardless of whether they have memories from that time or not.)

So here, from is the shortest, easist description of what and when it was and staying far away from any religious stuff or demands of 'we want archaeologistic proof!'. Just plain and simple what it was. (If you're curious and want to read more from published writers, I've been advised by few of the the lovely individuals who've posted on this thread (and one who hasn't) to look up the writings of : Edward Cayce, Ruth Montgomery, and James Churchward.)

For the sake of simplicity for those just learning, read on.

Between 900,000 and 10,000 years back, two large continents existed with a LOT of people living on each continent. There was Lemuria (also known as "Mu") and Atlantis. It's said that one existed in the Pacific ocean, while the other in the Atlantic ocean.
They both had an incredibly sophisticated government, flowering culture, and scientific technology. In the early centuries they were free from stress and disease, living in peace for hundreds of years. Their psychic abilities were highly developed. Telepathy, astral travel, and teleportation making traditional communication devices unnecessary. (Large, round devices not all that different from the stargates or Chappa'i seen in the Stargate SG1, Atlantis, and Universe series were used for teleportation.) They were primarily a vegetarian, agricultural, outdoor, organic culture that worked in harmony with nature and the land.
There were ancient and modern religions. Temples, priests, and crystals were common place.
As time went on, people in positions of power became corrupted by the power, things got bad, then went to worse and, long version very short here, both continents sank. Many people died, many people managed to flee the continents.
And thus came the close on these two civilizations.

I could easily go into a lot of bla bla bla and ramblings, but I figure that should do for people curious about this.
Thank you for your curiousity!
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