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Old 12-06-2022, 06:45 PM
guthrio guthrio is offline
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Originally Posted by inavalan
Wiki says:
"Wishful thinking is the formation of beliefs based on what might be pleasing to imagine, rather than on evidence, rationality, or reality. It is a product of resolving conflicts between belief and desire."
How wrong they are to look down Imagination! They have no clue, and are proud of it.



36. “Most people who desire to change their life make the mistake of not imagining deeply or long enough. They let the 3D world and what they see dictate their reality instead of their imagination.”

“Why, that’s true! I am a perfect, unlimited gull!” Jonathan opened his eyes asking, "Where are we?” The Elder Chiang said, “We’re on some planet with a green sky and a double star for a sun.” Jonathan made a scree of delight. “IT WORKS!" “Well, of course it works, Jon,” said Chiang. “It always works, when you know what you’re doing." (and even when you don't)
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