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Old 25-04-2022, 09:44 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by asearcher
Hello, those of you who hear things, voices that are not real in this reality can you shut it down and open it when you feel like it or is it always on?
Spirituality and schizophrenia light up the same areas of the brain, and what many people won't tell you is that hearing voices is very common. Some think it has to do with the two hemispheres of the brain interacting. It's quite normal and not considered as 'dangerous'. When the voices become paranoid, that's when mental health kicks in with all the images that produces.

The voices are 'you' or an aspect of you. We still don't know enough about how the brain works but what we do know, especially from Jungian psychology, is that there is always an interaction between the conscious and the unconscious. Those two are in an 'always on' symbiotic relationship. Dreams are the unconscious 'communicating' with the conscious and personally I suspect hearing voices are in the same vein.

In terms of energy spots and the like, it depends on the individual as to how they are sense, if at all. I get the shivers while my friend's titanium plate in his head vibrates. It's all vibration after all, and so is hearing. We also have microtubules in the brain that are quantum-capable and it's not so far-fetched that this could be the cause. European swallows navigate using the earth's magnetic field and quantum-capable 'sensors' in their eyes. So yes, maybe a 'real' sound after all.
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