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Old 18-04-2022, 02:45 PM
Izz Izz is offline
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Here's my views, both scientific and spiritual


The moon landing was definitely not a hoax
The moon is not artificial as some conspiracy theorists may claim (I mention this because there appeared to be an overlap between believing that the moon landing was a hoax and that the moon was "artificial" in a few circles)
The distance of the Moon can be understood by observation and trigonometry, and there is no concrete proof that it is artificial

Our earth is definitely not flat


It is possible that this is not the only universe that exist, that there are other universes and dimensions out there
I personally prefer the term "other dimensions life" to make it seem less intimidating

It is also possible for there to be life on other planets and out there

One reader said that there is ancient living energy on the moon and somehow I feel inclined to believe her. It is possible that there is life on the moon, there is no certainty that rules that out

(Prefacing, this is just my opinion, especially the spiritual part)
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