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Old 17-04-2022, 08:56 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Joe Mc
But why would the ego want to watch the breathe all day ? Surely it has better things to be doing, winning wars and arguments and telling the world they seem
to be missing something ?
If it's a choice between being relevant in a kinder and gentler way vs. not being relevant then the ego will adjust out of necessity. He's probably talking about the observer trap. Doership.

For example, spiritual philosopher Ken Wilber tells the story of his first awakening. It happened at a Zen retreat, in which he was in a deep state of observing his own experience. The Zen master said to him, “The [observer] is the last stand of the ego.”

This is where effortless meditation can come in handy.

Even though the meditation is called Do Nothing, you’re actually doing a little tiny bit of something: you’re paying attention to the feeling of doing something. ... You’re simply noticing when you feel that you’re doing something and letting go of that.
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