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Old 16-04-2022, 11:27 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Joe Mc
I listened to just over 10 minutes of it.
One thing the guy does is criticise meditation in his first breathe and
then he qualifies it.
But not a bad interview, albeit somewhat funny in the way he speaks about 'hacking the ego down' a bit Hollywoodish isn't it?
I found ZDoggMD's channel early on in the pandemic searching for info. He puts out some decent medical content. He recently did a 6 day silent retreat and then this appeared yesterday in suggested videos and I checked it out. An awakening discussion between two MDs so yeah, at times it's not in the usual language. LOL!

What really struck me is how what Dr. DiLullo describes maps onto my experience.

Hmm, that video is part of a series and here's the introductory video. What Is Awakening? | Awakening, Explained Ep. 1 (w/Dr. Angelo DiLullo)

A quote from ZDoggMD right off the bat at about the 1 minute mark: "There's nothing woo about Awakening".
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