Thread: The touch
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Old 08-04-2022, 01:14 AM
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The touch

I honestly don't know where to place this but figure this is a place good as any :)

Alright, how to summon this? First of all I hope no one gets mad at me, as I am not exactly a pro, but it has happened that I have experienced that spirits have visited me while I am asleep and slipping in and out of a kind of meditative state. This is just my experience. I'm not saying these things happened for real. Afterwards I am very critical.

Because of the state/s I am then in things just work automatically. There is telepathy. There are images send to me.

Hands for instance mean something to me and so I have been shown a spirit but when alive - it's hands and a symbol.

There are those who come on their own and with those I have felt a lower vibration. There are those who is there to ask of my help to help someone else. symbol and hands are used, shown.

Because of the state I am in I am unafraid and it happens just fast as I guess I then want to communicate and want to help.

In one, I do not know why I did that, I thought send me the light and I put my arms out, my hands (again do not know why I did that) and it was as if radiance of light, sun (you know way you draw a sun when you're a child) came out of me (Me?!) and then further away I could see another light, greater, bigger emerging into the picture.

I have felt for the longest time it is as if another me takes over, too while astral traveling, as if another me just knows. I know my past life self was religious. She had a connection with a healer.

If she was that involved with the church and then this relationship with a healer it sounds me to as if she could have been up to something, and this why she "takes over" in my dreams as if she knows, or I know, just what to do?? There are other experiences as well where it is as if she takes over, as if I know already (but I don't!). His hands have been shown too, but in memories of him. (I am in no way saying I am a healer, this is not where this is going, LOL).

Afterwards after having these experiences with spirits I am afraid of what I have just done in the dreams and tell myself I should have just called a friend (who can see and communicate with spirits) or contact a spiritualist church and not do this by myself. What if something went wrong?

There has been times afterwards as if something has been manifest, a message left, but then I think too that is only what I want it to have been, so I don't know. Could be for instance a string of leather I have no idea where it came from where as in the visions in the dreams before the spirit or the look of the human being it once was had that as part of it's outfit back then. But again I don't know. Maybe I am seeing things just because I want to? I don't feel them returning afterwards either. However those who has lower vibration they I experience are coming back but it can be weeks, months in between, and then I can have unpleasant feelings during these nightmares.

There are times when I have had my dreams and I can feel an essence of a person, spirit, get stronger and stronger and so I wake up and then realize it is standing right next to me by my bed or close to my feet or a little more closer to the bedroom door. Sounds can also be made.

In my own life I have felt with my luv when I put my hand on his body. Especially the areas where I think you would be vulnerable would it be a physical fight, that is just to use an example the lower neck area, when he's asleep. I automatically tap into his essence and feel him, his true kindness.

Another thing has been going on for years which used to give me a headache as I came up with all sorts of theories of who this man (male spirit) could have been in life and how he was connected to us. I still do not have a clear answer on that.

He has come through to me and to children as well. They've seen him.

When I have been in such a state I feel myself transformed, dressed differently (old days). I can wake up from it and still "feel" as if I have a bonnet and few times during the day when I am not thinking about it my hand automatically goes to my head and of course there is nothing there, but it sort of feels as if it still is. This man has few times tried to make me reach out my hand and touch him but because his essence is the way it is to me I get afraid and I won't. One time a child told me to not be afraid of him and not keep sending him away. One time the child just marched to me and told me why did I send him away when it was he who kept the child safe and now there were all sorts of trouble til the child called out for him and then of course he came and took care of everything just as the child knew he would. I could not get a word out. I had not talked to the child about these dreams or anything. How did the child know I had in my dream in a way rejected him?

I know by now he is trying to show me something with the hands, the touch.

Then again always when I land in his world, his reality, it feels almost too real, like I am really there and that sort of gives me a panic feeling. I am guessing he creates it from his mind. That is also how he by thought alone maybe has me dressed in clothes from maybe I am guessing his time and always with that bonnet. I go to bed with my hair loose but when waking up in his there is always that bonnet and my hair somehow stuck in. I don't know if it is his way of showing me respect, like that is him saying I look respectable in relation to the modern me who I am sure look like to him as if I have just escaped the asylum and by me looking this way I can imagine he then sees me as a "bad" woman and that's not me, according to him (well, thanks. What can I say?). Could also mean he knows I am married and that is why that bonnet is always there? At times I only have a blur fragment of memory of him in a dream but more so I feel that invisible bonnet on my head but not really on my head.

I am insecure if it is a good idea or a really bad one to use my own hands in these experiences and more perhaps to follow. Do anyone know?

I know from before that everything gets more intense and pure when I am in that state so I can imagine me using my hands then will do that.

When I do it in real life, I can let go but what if it is so strong in that state I can not?

As the man I have felt his essence, feelings, strong enough which is why I often interrupt as I am afraid myself will just vanish, that his takes over. There is absolutely no romantic feelings here what so ever, it is very business like in a way, he has this way of showing and doing things. He does it to me and I have found out he does it with a child too, and in one the child overcame a fear, dislike. Wish I could say more about him but I can't.

Last edited by asearcher : 08-04-2022 at 02:47 AM.
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