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Old 23-03-2022, 10:06 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by CosmicWonder
Anything outside of that is neutral, anything against it is negative.
Positive and negative are your definitions and therefore your perceptual reality. Nothing is inherently either/or, you decide that but what is meant is like or not like, deal with or not deal with. You get the idea. This is how perceptual reality is created, everything IS until we make something of it.

The actual meaning for the Sanskrit word "karma" was was originally 'action', then later on it became 'cause and effect'. Sometime later the ethical component was added and New Age started all this 'positive/negative' stuff.

Y'see, often in the karma discussion nobody mentions Life Purpose/Karmic Obligations, or "We are here to learn the lessons."

Google "kamma-vipaka" it's much more interesting.