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Old 22-03-2022, 09:46 PM
RedEmbers RedEmbers is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 3,515
I heard a quote a few weeks ago.

"DESIRE leads to destiny".

They were talking about true desire, desire of the heart and soul, not so much the desires that we might think we "should have" usually for a "because" it will get us sometime else. The something else is the true desire.

Pure desire, something that we move towards and do "just because" we want to, not because we think we should.

I think awareness changes Karma and if you desire a new experience, then you need a new action. All we need to know regarding Karma IMO is what are we sewing right this very moment? As soon as we start sewing something desired, we start to see a change in our destiny and we can start whenever we want to.

I think it's also useful to know that all actions have consequences, both desired and undesired. It's up to us to decide on both, what consequences are we willing to commit to?