Thread: Forgiveness
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Old 03-02-2022, 04:35 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by tommylama
When we cannot forgive someone, we are placing our self above another person.
...Or beyond another person.

To the ordinary person, forgiving another is often giving them a licence to commit whatever their offence was against you or others again....unless true penitence is shown. Even then, if forgiven it might be best to give the person a wide berth.

Forgiveness is only applicable if someone has caused some kind of injury or put you to a disadvantage. The extent might guide your response.

If someone beat the hell out of me and knocked my front teeth out, how could I forgive him or if I did, have anything further to do with him?
If I lend someone money and they don't repay I might well forgive if the circumstances suggest they are unable to repay but should I lend them more?

I read news reports of domestic abuse, murders, stalking. I've seen a few things in my town. To forgive the culprits, as I say, is licensing them to continue. One risks becoming a doormat.

Forgiving when undeniable penitence is shown is fine, however.

So I have a different view. Is there anything wrong with someone placing themselves above someone else?
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