Thread: Forgiveness
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Old 03-02-2022, 03:30 PM
Posts: n/a
I think its important to have forgiveness. In the astral after physical death (considering a person gravitates to the tunnel with the white light at the end of it ie they willingly go there) we are given a life review and the good things that we did in life are shown to us but the bad things are pointed out and because we're basically good hearted beings we may feel bad about some of the things we did to people while on Earth. Therfore to remedy this we are told that we need to return to Earth to do it again, its called karma!

This is just more manipulation and behavior modification from the archons in the astral. There is no reason for us to experience the other side of coin so to speak, our wrongdoings. All we need to forgive others that have done us harm and forgive those we may have hurt. You see things for what they are and are thus able to move on.

You are no longer bound by karmic cycles (with amnesia) and thus "move on" and continue on with your path (If that path involves exiting the Patrix then simply ignore any being that says they want to help you or have you follow them to the tunnel, its a trap).

Forgiving yourself and others is key to moving on from this realm (Patrix or realm of The Demiurge) I would like to also add that it depends on the context of evil. We cannot forgive extreme evils done to us unless that person is ready to confront that part of his or herself. I believe that its more important to have compassion and empathy than to have forgiveness but thats for another discussion
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