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Old 10-03-2006, 02:35 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi Silver,
i was chaten to you last time about having not been able to comunicate with my guide/s angels etc....yet, i was doing a meditation today and this is what happened, what are your thorts plz?.

Today i tried to connect with my guide/s and angels as i still hadnt after a few months of meditation, i am starting to get better now, as i am progressing {all trial and error}, anyway this meditation was really diferent for me this time, at first i got a name come to me, White Arrow, i just new that this was a guide , but then again not long after i got another name, Blue Spirit, again i felt another guide, {was bit confused by this} as at first aswel i saw a face in my meditation, but was of a young boy, no older than 16yrs, but suddenly this boys face changed to a older mans face{is this possible} or could it be that there was 2 guides?.
But the funny thing about this is i was speakin to a medium, yesterday, and i was telling her about this energy constantly at my side, she told me she feels strongly that i have a indian guide, i think that these names tie in with an indian guide.
much love and light.