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Old 28-12-2021, 06:55 PM
lemex lemex is offline
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Originally Posted by traceyacey12
I'm reading Thich Naht Hanh and he talks about loving your enemy. I'm having a hard time coming to terms with this. Do you love your enemy?
There are a couple of ways to think about it. There are many others books as the Tich Naht Hanh is not alone. Keep in mind if I do not understand the Thich Naht Hanh I would not understand other books to. The information given will be from other sources to but is the same information and same rejection. - Love your enemy before they become enemy. Many times enemy is cause and effect. - If they are your enemy the perspective is, you are their enemy. Both are striker? Sadly both are wrong. You don't have to love your enemy but don't hate because each must over come hate then you will love. Love is last. It is we do not want to Love. Love cannot exist at the same time as hate. Good luck with turning the other cheek. Jesus spoke about turning the other cheek 20 times and I've been unable to get past a couple. But then I realized I did it in 20 years. I always like the questions you ask of us, it's like a mirror which allows us to grow and examine.
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