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Old 21-12-2021, 06:47 PM
ayar415 ayar415 is offline
Join Date: May 2021
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Originally Posted by hazada guess
Hell doesn't exist. Life is hard full stop. I know I didn't want to incarnate here.

What is the point to life? This is what I don't get.

If Hell is defined as a place of suffering, then we are in Hell. I don't have to suffer personally to know it. If it can happen to someone else, it can also happen to me.

When I see a homeless guy coming up to me to ask for a dollar, I find it hard to look at him. Giving him the dollar is the easy way out. I won't do it. I want that state of suffering to lodge in me, and add to that my inability to put an end to such suffering.

Life is Hell and I want to burn in it until the last person is free.
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