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Old 20-12-2021, 09:03 AM
Busby Busby is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
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I was one of x thousands of individual sperms swimming furiously to get to my mother's egg. I won, I know that because I'm here writing this.
What about the other swimming sperms where did they end up - and had I not won (the race) who would I be?
Where would I be today?
Basically I (or at least half of me) must have existed before any swimming was done it's just that I wasn't complete and only became 'me' when certain requirements were met. If I have been therefore re-incarnated (as many believe) where was my other half before we came together and was it her or him who re-incarnated (as me) or not?

And so on.

The constantly promoted belief (induced by religions) that we are born to be good and obey (in order to enter heaven) is a tragic error in the concept of the universe's plan and an insult to mankind's intellect.

'A clear conscience is the sure sign of a bad memory'
- Mark Twain.
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