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Old 20-12-2021, 07:38 AM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: U.S. Southwest
Posts: 2,857
That’s great to hear BigJohn I also studied it. As far as when life begins, this premise always refers to
“human life,” which infers that life is exclusive to the human state of being. For me, as I perceive it, life has
no beginning or end. Life is eternal, although existing in various different ways.

When does human life begin? Human life in the womb is defined by a fetal heartbeat. We used to refer to a
baby who dies in their mother‘s womb as being “still born.” So the beginning of human life is often defined by
the activity of the fetus. But this begs the question is a human zygote human life, or is a human embryo
human life?
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