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Old 15-12-2021, 01:11 AM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 809
Nellie became afraid.

Back in 1976 i was managing a hostel for ex offenders who came from prison to stay with me for a first step back into life, I offered one to one counselling and ran group sessions there. Nellie was the house dog a collie, It was a big old farmhouse with 5 acres of land, where i kept goats pigs, cows and a donkey. The house used to belong to the GUINESS brewery family. Set in the Devon countryside. We had twelve men staying there for a few months, one man named John, came to me one morning saying he needed to talk with me.

He said that something strange was occurring in his bedroom at night, he said that when he was lying in bed it seemed like smoke was rising up at the end of his bed. He said he checked his waste bin for smoke nothing there. He came back to me the next day and said that this 'smoke' was gradually taking shape and this was bothering him, i said ok John if this smoky shape is bothering you you can change bedrooms.

He said no he wanted to stay there, now the dog nellie loved John and would rush into his bedroom wagging her tail, then all of a sudden she would not enter his room, this made John very sad because he thought the world of Nellie,

I tried to encourage her to enter his room but she dug her heels in and seemed very afraid of going near that room.
The next day John came to see me very early in the morning saying that this 'smoke' shape had now manifested as a female wearing Victorian clothing and having like a bandage around her chest. What shall i do said John? I again asked him if he wanted to change rooms, he said no he wanted to know who she was, I said to John speak to her quietly and ask her what she wants, he said he would do that.

The next day he came and said to me that she told him that he was there with her and that she had TB and was dying. I suggested to John that we both say a prayer for her and ask for her guides to help her fully cross over.

We did that the following day, and in the evening we were all sat in the front room watching TV when I suddenly noticed Nellie who was sitting on an armchair next to me was looking up in the air over the chair where John was sitting, and there standing behind him was the lady with a smile on her face Nellie fell of the chair and was transfixed by this lady Onlyj John and myself And nellie saw here the other men were too busy watching TV. That was the last we ever saw of her, and john missed her company.

regards michael.
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