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Old 14-12-2021, 07:25 PM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 828
Originally Posted by bobjob
I was under the impression a so-called natural medium is one for whom the attribute was there from birth rather than it developing.
I expect you were photographed doing it or even filmed? Did Psychic News feature your unusual ability of being able to demonstrate in ordinary light? I'd love to see the photos.

I don't follow why red light seem fishy to you. Sitters or an audience would still be able to see transfiguration. Mediumship carried out in total darkness is a different matter, of course, because absolutely nothing can be observed by sitters.

When i say a natural medium bobjob I mean that at the age of 29 my life imploded and exploded simaltaneously i had some odd things occur before in my earlier life, but did not much pay any attention to it, at 29 everything happened and i was in another dimension of being, whether I awakened then or not am not sure but mediumship seemed natural to me,it was there without ever learning anything about it.

regards michael.
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