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Old 17-11-2021, 03:12 PM
Posts: n/a
hi Bubbles, believe me I say this with all due respect. Think you care so much anyone would love to have you as a friend, but for your own sake you should not take on where your responsibility ends and their begins. That's what I think with your Reiki master telling you gotta cuts some cords again.

I've had issues of my own which I have pretty much "puked" all over the place - on this forum and patient forum members would tell me things - but did I take it to heart, did I really? No, not always, not right away I didn't (sorry...) because I was not there yet. But it did stick to me, in some way, but the rest of the journey I had to do myself. Now I can look back and say they were so right, but I had to vent in my own vent-time and repeat myself til I was on to the next step, this can take a variety of time.

Your friend will get there, it just takes time and their own inner work, even if you provide with the ending result they can't skip their own steps and fly all the way to the end of it where you stand. This is in no way your fault, nothing you could have said. But I do believe you still made impact ,it is just that the rest has to follow.

What you could and most likely have done is that if your friend is open enough to get other perspective presented - will then change its thinking (the way I did) because of these comments, but even so it will take time, and most likely jump between 2 (its original own) and your perspective (in this case the right one) before being able to continue, too it will be as time stood still and nothing new came about in the development, stuck or at pause. Then suddenly continue again.

I now understand that patience is a virtue

I'm a slow learner myself ;) so if I were your friend all you could do was to give me the advice, and then (sigh) wait....and then wait some more...and then some more...your friend will get there, in it's own time :)
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