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Old 15-11-2021, 01:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Less about disenchantment that 'it is as it is'.......flawed.

It's an arrogance to imagine that humans are the last in the evolutionary line. Although one has to question how long can the ecology continue to support organic life under the human onslaught.

I had some hopes for COP26, vague but at least some. But no, here they all come for their grand party with 10-course breakfasts and dinners in their private jets - the US president needing 4 huge aircraft to transport his entourage....when it could all have been done on line. I mean, it's all talking - not DOING things. And far too late. A former UK Prime Minister was raising these issues 35 years ago. No one listened.

Now people had better worry about when the oxygen runs out...

The height of the tech and the price of the toys has increased vastly - but human nature hasn't changed in many millennia.

Flawed - but natural and I dare say Nature will step in eventually. We're IN the culture dish, not running the 'experiment'.
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