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Old 14-05-2011, 09:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Nightowl- At his center in Zagreb, Croatia, there is
no cost to see him, but because so many people come,
you can only attend one gazing session per day.

Here in the US, you can attend as many sessions per
day as you choose, and there is a charge of $8 per

For the recent live stream gazes, where you could
watch Braco gaze online, there was a charge of $3
per session (though they did wind up giving us three
sessions at no charge to make up for one paid session
we missed out on due to technical problems.)

As for what he does... after an introduction by the
presenter, Braco comes before the crowd and steps
up onto a platform and silently gazes at everyone for
around 5-7 minutes. During that time he transmits
pure Source energy to those in the audience who are
open to receive it. Then he silently leaves. Then the
presenter returns and usually there is a time for the
audience to share some comments about what they
experienced. It doesn't sound like much, but it can
be very profound to experience the gaze, and lead to
positive changes that ripple out into many areas of
your life. If you go to, or go to, you can see a lot more information, and
watch video clips, to get more of an idea of what
this is all about.
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