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Old 25-10-2021, 09:33 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is online now
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Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Practice-1&2/112

Each half breath has a point of cessation
Yet the voids differentiated by intuitive intention
The beginning of exhalation return to space
Whilst commencement of inhalation divine grace

Geometrically we may assign lungs to the Anahata
Breath flow from nose to head crowned at Sahasrara
Connector between the two being the Vishuddha
Union of separated polarities the flowing divine enigma

The flow being of nothing other than consciousness
From the domain of matter through ether into formlessness
Hiranyagarbha the one at Sahasrara becoming two
The polarities merging in a bliss explosion as bliss renews

The practice affirms manta ॐ (ohm/ham) during inhalation
With the sound ‘Sa’ or ‘So’ during exhalation
Yet focusing not on breath but relying on purity of loving intent
Within our heart to the ॐ sound current we become sentient

Such is the energetic path first of one hundred & twelve
Urging us to focus on the voids and therein within ॐ dwell
Blurring boundaries between form & formlessness
Merging in-form consciousness with Absolute Oneness

The second of the 112 paths same as the first
Differentiated by an insatiable thirst
Whereupon we abide in cessation without thought
Simply imbibing the divine soma nectar as bliss brought
The Self has no attribute
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