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Old 19-10-2021, 02:23 PM
Danni❤️ Danni❤️ is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2021
Posts: 5
White shooting objects

Hi everyone , just wondering if anyone has ever seen strange things on there outside security camera, I’ve got few videos roughly similar time showing something white shoots out my bathroom wall of the outside across to next house then goes up in the air (leaves a trail ) then at same time another one shoots out goes to bottom of my garden it seems it hits my fence but leaves lots of ripples like you would see in a cartoon . Got another video same thing but just once this time shoots out same place but can hear a woosh noise then just disappears into next door window , but the latest one looks like a fairey and I know sounds odd and believe me I’ve watched and watched over again but same shoots out and you can see it goes straight into next doors window ive got the videos and in slow motion but I’m new to this forum so need to post some threads first before can upload
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