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Old 15-09-2021, 12:31 PM
OPVerma OPVerma is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 455
Originally Posted by inavalan
Education should aim to teach pupils how to think, not what to think.

There is no deeper meaning; they are a morale code with religious overtones.

They are meant to restrict and control, not to stimulate, and at some level of civilization, some of them played a positive role.

They were man-made (as in made up), not man-discovered, as you suggested.

To say that 'Education should aim to teach pupils how to think, not what to think' is not entirely correct. What is there to think in 2+2 = 4 ? you have to just know and use it.

From past 2 billion years until recently (Newton's advent) all human beings were leading miserable life as they did not know about God, Nature, and Soul. Newton illuminated us with the one aspect of Nature 'Gravity' since then our lives began to improve. Though 'Gravity science' is a product of thinking but we don't have to rethink now and acquire knowledge about it and follow it just that.

At present 'All the Knowledge in the Universe' has been Discovered and we have to just know it through Education in schools, colleges and universities. Neglecting this goal, Nature would fail our all attempts of rethinking as it has done with LHC Experiment, or will do with the Gravity waves Experiment, or ARTEMIS moon mission. Nature now wants us to learn all the knowledge about it and follow it without rethinking and duplication.
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