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Old 12-08-2021, 07:26 AM
True Angel True Angel is offline
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 92
Angel1 RE a Book full of UFO Sightings & Communications

Since childhood, the bible has meant very little to me. It is a highly interesting collection of stories and events.

Beyond that, religion and languages are ways by which the populations of Earth are kept separated. Kept from fully getting together and comparing notes about our existence. (Thanks to the internet, that is changing.) Each culture and each religion has a piece of the puzzle. That puzzle is the truth of our origin, Earth's origin and who our Gods really are. Or should I say 'gods'?

We have been duped as to who or what the God of the bible may be. The God of the bible is cruel, temperamental and downright manipulative. In short, the God of the bible seems awfully human. Emotional.

In modern times, we pray to what we hope is a loving God. But the biblical God is not that. The God of the bible, I suspect, is an extraterrestrial, and not a very nice one, either. And yes, that would imply that, as the Son of God, Jesus is at least part extraterrestrial. A biblical Human-ET hybrid. Sound familiar?

And if the God of the bible isn't an ET, then He is an Angel, and not a very nice one, it seems. And that would make Jesus, then, a Human-Angel hybrid. Again, sound familiar?

Clouds don't talk, but some early UFOs could have been hidden behind or within a cloud. (I have seen this twice.) Unless you are on a high mountain, what cloud have you ever seen that comes close to our height? Ah, but UFOs can hide behind clouds, mimicking their movement, and UFOs can certainly hover over our heads if they choose to do so.

Ezekiel's vision or sighting. Some UFOs are shapeshifters. Are these "craft" spirit beings or nut and bolt vehicles? Are we sure that some UFOs aren't a type of Angelic Being or craft created and used by Angels? Used by God and His Angelic Entourage? All for the purpose of captivating Humanity with His or their greatness?

Look up the 1813 Edward Hansford Letter to Thomas Jefferson. Google Check out the weird description of the sighting Hansford had. (I think the site mentions a somewhat similar sighting seen in another state.) Ask yourself what is really being seen? Who is really behind the odd displays? Read abductee Kim Carlsberg's account of seeing (in astral or dream state?) a UFO morph from one shape to another before appearing as multiple humanoids (Beyond My Wildest Dreams: Diary of a UFO Abductee).

Bushes don't burn unconsumed. Was that a mistranslation? Was it actually a UFO occupant using mental manipulation to cause the person to think he's seeing a burning bush?

Water doesn't part on its own, but a UFO could have used some type of force or technology to cause the famed Red Sea to part long enough to allow the Israelites to pass through.

A cloud pillar by day and a pillar of light by night preceded the Israelites in the desert. Come on, wasn't that actually a UFO?

And our beloved angels (and not so beloved fallen angels) may, themselves, be aliens, but native to this planet (terrestrial). We only know what we've been spoon-fed.

I could go on, but we are being kept from knowing the truth. Sure, there is an All Source Energy, but is it really Jehovah God? I no longer think so. I hope the biblical God isn't what I think He is: a negative ET. Perhaps the Anunnaki or worse.

. . . .
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