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Old 11-08-2021, 11:21 PM
True Angel True Angel is offline
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 92
Traveler. . . . I, too, think your repeat theme: flood dreams, might refer to a past life memory. Maybe even more than one lifetime.

I am still learning how to interpret dreams, but if the recurring dreams are not past life related, following are my interpretations of some symbols in your dream:

Symbolically, WATER can denote a spiritual situation or state of being. Water can also refer to an emotional state or feelings. Hence, a FLOOD may refer to being emotionally overwhelmed or overcome. If there is no event or situation in your life that has or could cause high level emotions (usually negative?: anger, fear, sorrow, depression, for example), then perhaps the floods are past life memories (literal or symbolic) of a flood that you witnessed or experienced. A flood certainly can evoke a high level of negative emotions. Also, such dreams can be a forewarning of an event that you will witness or experience but has yet to occur.

A BRIDGE can refer to transitions representing change or perhaps a graduation to the next level regarding some situation. Since water is involved, perhaps a spiritual level has been attained or is threatened (blocked).

A ROAD represents the life journey you are on. It may show the state of your current path, and how well you are getting along. More accurately, a flooded road might denote you are (at time of dream) currently on a spiritual path or you are experiencing an emotional period in your life. How long this period will last depends on how far ahead the road is flooded. If you are not consumed by the water, so shall you not be completely overwhelmed in waking life. If you find yourself drowning or in danger of drowning, then the dream comes as a warning to take heed and take care of self.

Pay attention to any thoughts and feelings you have in the dream. They could be clues to the dream's purpose.

That's my 10 cents' worth. . . .

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