Thread: Amida Buddha
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Old 09-08-2021, 09:15 PM
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Amida Buddha:

Amida Buddha or Amitābha, after doing good deeds over countless lives, finally achieved buddhahood and created a pure land called Sukhāvatī, beyond the bounds of our own world. By the power of his vows, Amida Buddha has made it possible for all who call upon him to be reborn into this land, there to undergo instruction by him in the dharma and ultimately become bodhisattvas and buddhas in their turn, the goal of Mahāyāna Buddhism. From there, these same bodhisattvas and buddhas return to our world to help yet more people while still residing in his land of Sukhāvatī, whose many virtues and joys are described.

Be in two places at the same time? That was actually in the book Journey Of Souls, which was a book based on the hypnotic regression of people to the time between lives. Some described that we can send some energy into a human incarnation yet stay in the astral world with the majority of our energy at the same time. We can also split our energy and be re-born into two people at the same time according to some people's memories.
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