Thread: Sangharaks*ita
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Old 27-07-2021, 06:35 PM
Posts: n/a
I've also never heard of Sangharaks*ita and it took me awhile to figure out why there was a * in his name. Turns out the correct spelling involves a bad word the forum filters I assume. But then I've not heard of a lot of people I read about on these forums.

I usually google them, look for videos or PDF's by them and then learn enough to comment and have a view on them. I didn't find any PDF's of his writings but I found some text about his personal and public life which was negative, but then the internet will tend to have such details of public or semi-famous figures.****a

I briefly watched a public talk by him on youtube and didn't see anything of interest to me there. Maybe some other videos or texts by him are deeper or would interest me. In this video he said quote "Buddha was even grateful to a tree". "Grateful" is not really a word of depth to me. I get the spiritual connection but I doubt Buddha was grateful to the Bodhi Tree I assume he is talking about. In that context he is using the word grateful it sounds like attachment to me.

I tried googling "The Essence of the Dharma" and it turns out a great number of religious professionals named one of their writings this probably because it sounds so authoritative. Makes it sound like what ever writing will follow such a title is true or correct or worth reading.

He had an interesting life and was very invested in Buddhism and being a leader or teacher of such.
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