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Old 02-07-2021, 01:04 PM
Still_Waters Still_Waters is offline
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Originally Posted by AbodhiSky

krishnamurti titled that one book of his, "the awakening of intelligence"
which would be a different opposite way to express the meaning of
"go beyond intellect." K seems to be saying, bring in intellect!

It's interesting that you should introduce Krishnamurti to this thread along with his book, "the Awakening of Intelligence", which I just recommended to a friend. That was a very important book for me at one time but I moved on from him years ago even though I do watch videos of his dialogues occasionally even now.

I was just thinking about your point regarding "K seems to be saying, bring in intellect". Perhaps that is why he appealed to me initially as he does use intellect and rationality in his dialogues and I was a Phi Beta Kappa who once took great pride in my intellect (ego ego ego ego ). This past Wednesday, June 30th, I even participated in a zoom meeting with a Krishnamurti "dialogue group" for the first time (and last time) to see how the "dialogue" approach would work WITHOUT some one at the level of a Krishnamurti. It was a very forgettable 2 1/2 hours before I left as did almost half of the initial participants. It was very very intellectual.

Having said that, I agree that intellect is indeed important but only up to a certain point. Intellect is needed to realize that one must eventually transcend the little separatist intellect. One of my Sufi teachers, Pir Vilayat Khan (son of the awesome Hazrat Inayat Khan) once said: "The ego is very important...until one no longer needs it." Similarly, I would paraphrase that by saying that "The intellect is very important... until one no longer needs it" and one passes through the mystical Christian "Cloud of Unknowing". As I've mentioned before, it took some very powerful interventions by my primary spiritual mentor to shake me free of my intellectual inclinations and past the "Cloud of Unknowing".

I now intend to look again at my "Awakening of Intellect" book to see my comments and handwritten notes, but I suspect that the comments in your post are right on target.

EDIT: I just looked at my first note regarding the Krishnamurti book in reference to page 156: "To watch, you need a very quiet mind. That is meditation. The whole of that is meditation." Also, on page 257, he says: "Why can't I just look... Why does thought come into it?" I think that your point is very valid but I also think that Krishnamurti begins with the use of intellect and thought to point the masses beyond thought into the Silence. Any further comments by you would be most welcome.
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