Thread: Finally!
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Old 24-06-2021, 03:11 PM
Posts: n/a
Thank you very much, Traveler. I haven't read it. Sounds interesting.

I might have gotten a kind of insight in my own vision when he would later say he felt it as if someone, a devil, was on his back. The one he told this to thought it was a very disturbed thing to say. But those were his words that it was on his back and behind him. When I found that out I froze again and it brought back my memory. I never noticed anything paranormal events in our home.

I broke off all kind of contact with the then ex boyfriend who was by then a friend and nothing but (I had no romantic feelings left) when I moved into a home. It was for the sake of the then relationship I was in. And in this home I suspect he has visit during astral traveling. We never talked about these sort of thing, but he would several times tell me other things as if he knew things about me and knew my whereabouts without being able to know (where there were no windowns) and not giving me an explaination. If he did astral travel then maybe this is where it too could come from?

Thank you for the advice, mega salt bath it is! =)

Last edited by asearcher : 24-06-2021 at 04:34 PM.
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