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Old 02-06-2021, 02:14 AM
ayar415 ayar415 is offline
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Originally Posted by PureDevotionGirl
Oh wow, the replies here are really enlightened. I feel like I'm a few steps behind everyone. I've found a way to pursue more money and more creature comforts without being too upset about not having as much money as I want at the moment.

I'm like, broke-broke, like struggling to have enough money to eat, pay bills, and do laundry broke, but I'm happy because I have goals I am always reaching towards. When I have something to look forward to that I am constantly working towards, I don't feel sad about where I am currently at because I know it is temporary. I am very materialistic, but I am happy with less because I know this will change and I have friends and family to spend time with that also make me happy.

I don't know if it's better to absolve yourself of all material attachments or not, but I know that's not what I will be doing any time soon. I love my things and I love collecting more interesting and cute things to add to my collection. Just do what makes you happy and if you are unsatisfied where you are at, look forward to the future.

I am always a few steps behind everyone. There is never enough money which should be abundantly available like air.
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