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Old 16-05-2021, 08:27 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
May I be so bold as to ask: If one is into the breath and that is the end all and be all,
(maybe some body awareness or even a mantra the mind repeats)...
what do you do when the breath leaves your body?

I'm not one that is into riddles.
I mean, you have no more body, no more breath...what remains is
what I'm into concentrating upon.
That which was before the breath - and before the body! And will be there when both are gone.
Make sense?

From a purist perspective the reason behind any meditation technique is realization/transcendence. One can even say that's advancing beyond technique to where it's a continuous and effortless state of being.

To paraphrase Bruce Lee: "A canoe is useful for crossing a river but once across do not carry it on your back.".
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