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Old 09-03-2021, 10:59 AM
CosmicWonder CosmicWonder is online now
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 1,546
Hii, tai chi and my growth within this area of practice

Hii all,

I’m learning a mix of tai, internal kung fu and qi gong from a friend. Not sure which part is which. Maybe it’s all just one thing I’m practicing.

It’s hard work. First I enjoyed it, but now I need some time off. It’s better to let things rest when you’ve made a lot of growth.

I’ve learned a bit of control and opening up the body (not sure if I do it the right way). I also pushed real hard to move into my body. And really make this stretch etc to move entirely into my body. And it was really good for me. In the end it helped me handle stress better. And am still learning from the experience.

I mostly wanted to deal with animating the body. Which is done not only by moving the muscles, but also taking control over the heart and other organs. In this I’ve succesfully grown.

It’s hard work. And one must be ready as with any and every spiritual practice. So it’s a lot to process for now.

Much kindness,

Cosmic Wonder
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