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Old 08-02-2021, 09:07 AM
angel-of-light angel-of-light is offline
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Originally Posted by ThatMan
Last night I had a very unusual experience, I found myself awake, it was daylight, but everything was dark and cold, I was outside my home, on the street. There I saw many people that I know and I saw a girl, this girl was very close to me when we were children but at that time I was living with my aunt and I had to leave, leaving back our friendship. I've been thinking about her and she appeared in my dream.

From nowhere, I saw tornados everywhere and dark spots in the sky, there were 4 dark spots, each dark spot was something really bad, some kind of disaster. I thought that they were coming towards me but these dark spots moved to another direction. The wind was blowing very powerfully.

Suddenly, I hear a voice talking, I knew that this was the voice of something "dark" so to say, this voice said: I offer people what they want and they do my work.; then I was shown how humanity is bowing down to this "dark" force without even knowing. Then this voice spoke again, now it showed me a side by side comparison with God ( God and the people of God appeared as being made of white light ) and how this "dark" force is winning, it said: People will never change and I will win at the end.; I was shown the very end of human existence and how this evil force will win - I was shown how we are going to destroy ourselves because of our human selfishness.

This felt very real, I felt the wind, the cold, the selfishness of humanity, I felt this dark force working in people when they are fighting and how we give in to this dark force without even knowing. Any act that's not coming from a place of love is from this dark force.

don't listen to him, I can't get into details but you should know that it seeks to kill your hope and dreams and make you doubt so when he make those holes and drain you out of light he try to get in via those holes, this evil presence is dieing,
and in that last attempts, it seeks others it's can corrupt vessels for its own
wicked purposes, start to raise your vibration don't watch low vibration content and movies or news,
at the media filter what not fit, then brings into your life positiveness that how you combat
it uses gratefulness and loving positive words avoid judgment at all cost and criticize others show love and compassion toward everything, and do purification at your home and hear high vibration angelic music,
the kind that makes you feel good, get a black tourmaline very important,
in the purification of the area get sage activate from youtube a Tibetian gong bowl,
light candles but never leave them unattended, use kitchen salt a tablespoon
in a glass with water blend it and take few sips the extra spread and spray take few sips at the beginning or when there is need just one time a day it will cleanse your aura very fast but don't overdo it as too much salt is unhealthy,
in the house, do it often, there is a war ongoing for long time time,
the tides are turning as more getting awakened from their amnesia,
stay strong and even pray for help but never ask for help from him and never try help him out of pity he chooses this way and you can't help him,
no matter what he offers you reject it and never negotiate with him,
he will only trick you and stab you after he used you,
and do purification often as you cultivate vibration you will even more tempting target because of high vibration lifeforce so purify your home often
at least twice a week or if you feel the need.
all lives are sacred and holy and must be preserved,
for those who preserve life, their own life will be preserved as well, and no life is better than the other all life is equally important, and all lives are one, entwined and connected we all are, by the power of love.
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